Automating AlwaysOn Availability Group Failover for SSISDB 2012/2014

Hopefully not many people are still configuring SSIS instances on SQL 2012 or 2014 – especially HA instances – but if you are, this post is for you.

If you’re running SQL Server 2016 or above, having the SSIS catalog function correctly in an AG is supported by built-in functionality to manage the DMK (database master key). In 2012/2014 however there is no such support. Without intervention this makes SSISDB unable to be opened after a failover, because the DMK isn’t open – leading to errors such as “Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation.

The fix for this is simply to open the DMK and re-encrypt it with the SMK (service master key) of the new primary replica;


But if you’ve put SSISDB into an AG then you almost certainly want this to happen automatically. So here is a framework for automating the process.

we have a single AG containing SSISDB
a DBA admin database *not* included in the AG (or master) available – into which the tables and stored proc are deployed
all artefacts are deployed to each instance.
– we have the password to the DMK!

First we create a table to contain the current replica role to act as a flag, and seed it with a single row;

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ReplicaRole]            
    [CurrentRole] INT NOT NULL       
INSERT INTO [dbo].[ReplicaRole] (CurrentRole)       
SELECT [role]       
FROM sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states        
WHERE is_local = 1

At this point the value in the table should be 1 on the primary replica and 2 on the secondary(ies).

Then we create a logging table to observe the history of the process and any failovers;

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AutoFailoverLog]       
    [LastRole] INT NOT NULL,       
    [CurrentRole] INT NOT NULL,       
    [ReEncrypted] INT NOT NULL       

Now, a stored procedure to perform the following;
– Check what role the replica was the last time the SP was executed
– Get the current role
– If the replica was secondary but is now primary, open and re-encrypt the SSISDB key. Otherwise, take no action with regards to the key.
– Update the ‘current role’ flag and write the overall result to the logging table

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SSISDBAutoFailover]       
DECLARE @last_role TINYINT;       
DECLARE @current_role TINYINT;       
DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(1024);       
SET @last_role = (SELECT CurrentRole
                  FROM [dbo].[ReplicaRole]);       
SET @current_role = (SELECT [role]
                     FROM sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states        
                     WHERE is_local = 1);       

/* This means the last time the job ran, this node's role was secondary and now it's primary.       
So we need to re-encrypt the SSISDB master key. */
IF (@last_role = 2 AND @current_role = 1)       
    SET @sql = 'USE SSISDB;


    INSERT INTO dbo.AutoFailoverLog (LastRole, CurrentRole, ReEncrypted)
    VALUES (@last_role, @current_role, 1)

    INSERT INTO dbo.AutoFailoverLog (LastRole, CurrentRole, ReEncrypted)       
    VALUES (@last_role, @current_role, 0)            

-- Update current role flag                
SET @sql = 'UPDATE dbo.ReplicaRole
            SET CurrentRole = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(1),@current_role)


Finally, create an Agent job to run the procedure frequently. How frequently depends on how often your SSIS packages execute and how stable your cluster is. I’ve had reliable results with a 5 minute frequency on a cluster on a robust network.

When a failover occurs, we should see something like the below snip in the AutoFailoverLog table – in this case, a failover occured between 18:55 and 19:00, triggering the LastRole = 2 and CurrentRole = 1 path and thus the re-encryption logged in the last column;

This isn’t a perfect solution;
– The DMK password is in the definition. This may or may not be a problem for you, depending on your security policies – if it is, you could look into encrypting the proc (not foolproof) or retrieving the password in the proc in a more secure method.
– Multiple failovers in a short period of time could break it. Say, a failover from server A to server B then back to A occurs in the period between executions – the DMK would not have been opened and re-encrypted on server A but the proc would not have picked up the failover.

To make it more robust, increasing the frequency of execution would help prevent missing multiple failovers. It’s lightweight, so no harm there. Beyond that – we would ideally have this code execute as a trigger based on a failover instead of a repeating state check. Unfortunately there’s no nice, built-in way to do this – but I would suggest hooking into one of the alerts that fires upon failover – check the eventlog and query sys.messages for AlwaysOn related error codes to dig out the right one to act on. I would look into this myself but a) this solution was sufficient for the particular solution in my care and b) at this point I’m hoping my involvement in pre-2016 SSIS AGs is done!

Getting SQL Services Information with Powershell

Hopefully you already know everything about your SQL estate, including what services are installed and what’s running them, either because it’s so small you just know, or, preferably, you have some kind of CMDB. But what if you don’t? Powershell comes to the rescue, of course.

This post details a script to capture basic information – service name, account, start mode and status – about the database engine, Agent and any SSRS/SSAS/SSRS installs. It requires remote WMI connectivity and, for SSIS, SMB access to enabled administrative shares on the drives where the service is installed.

(Note – if all you’re after is the Database Engine and/or SQL Agent info, and you’re running SQL 2008 R2 SP1 or higher, no need to carry on reading – just use the sys.dm_server_services DMV instead, it’s easy.)

To begin we need some kind of data source containing both the hostnames and instance names (MSSQLSERVER if default instance) of the servers in the estate – as we’ll be connecting to the hostname but making checks using the instance name. Either stored in a table;

$instancesquery = "SELECT Hostname, InstanceName
                    FROM dbo.Instances"

$instances = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance SQL2017A -Database 'TestDB' -Query $instancesquery

or from another source, say, a csv file – in this case an example of a single instance, which I’ll use as an example source for the rest of the post;

$instances = Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\servers.txt"

Then we can loop over the servers and use the Get-WmiObject Win32_Service cmdlet. For the database engine, Agent, SSRS and SSAS this is straightforward – we’re filtering on the service name looking for a reference to the instance, then disregarding any CEIP services and pulling out a few pieces of information. For example, a snippet of the script checking for a SSAS install;

$SSAS = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $instance.Hostname | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -EQ "SQL Server Analysis Services ($($instance.InstanceName))" | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -NotLike "*CEIP*" | Select-Object DisplayName, StartName, State, StartMode
Write-Output $SSAS

SSIS is a bit trickier. You may have noticed that, unlike for the Database Engine, SSRS or SSAS, the instance name is not part of the service name;

So we can’t just filter on the service name to check which instance the service is installed as part of. Instead we need to find the MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml file associated with the service (by using the service PathName), open it up as XML (this is where the requirement for SMB and administrative share access arises) and look at the DtsServiceConfiguration.TopLevelFolders.Folder.ServerName element;

$ConfigXMLPath = ($SSIS.PathName.Substring(0,$SSIS.PathName.IndexOf('MsDtsSrvr.exe')) + 'MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml') -replace '"', ''

$ConfigXMLPath = "\\$($instance.Hostname)\" + $SSIS.PathName.Substring(1,1) + '$\' + $ConfigXMLPath.Substring(3)

[xml]$ConfigXML = Get-Content -Path $ConfigXMLPath

if($ConfigXML.DtsServiceConfiguration.TopLevelFolders.Folder.ServerName -like "*$($instance.InstanceName)*")
    Write-Output $SSIS
elseif(($ConfigXML.DtsServiceConfiguration.TopLevelFolders.Folder.ServerName -EQ ".") -and ($instance.InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER'))
    Write-Output $SSIS

An example output from the whole script, ran on a single server;

This shows I have the database engine and agent running from MSAs, and two extra services installed – SSAS running as a local service and SSIS running as an MSA, all set to auto-start and only SSIS not currently running.

The entire skeleton script is below (github link), using the CSV file example for retrieving host/instance names as a base and simply writing the output to console – it’s easily modifiable to change the source and/or save the output to a file or table.

$instancesquery = "SELECT Hostname, InstanceName       
                   FROM dbo.Instances"       
$instances = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance SQL2017A -Database 'TestDB' -Query $instancesquery       
$instances = Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\servers.txt"       
foreach ($instance in $instances)                     
    Write-Output "Connecting to $($instance.Hostname)\$($instance.InstanceName).."       
        $test = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $instance.Hostname -ErrorAction Stop                 
        Write-Output "Error connecting remotely to WMI"       
    # Database Engine                
    $DatabaseEngine = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $instance.Hostname | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -EQ "SQL Server ($($instance.InstanceName))" | Select-Object DisplayName, StartName, State, Startmode       

    Write-Output $DatabaseEngine       

    # SQL Agent               
    $SQLAgent = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $instance.Hostname | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -EQ "SQL Server Agent ($($instance.InstanceName))" | Select-Object DisplayName, StartName, State, Startmode       

    Write-Output $SQLAgent       
    # SSAS       
    $SSAS = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $instance.Hostname | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -EQ "SQL Server Analysis Services ($($instance.InstanceName))" | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -NotLike "*CEIP*" | Select-Object DisplayName, StartName, State, StartMode       

    Write-Output $SSAS       

    # SSRS       
    $SSRS = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $instance.Hostname | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -EQ "SQL Server Reporting Services ($($instance.InstanceName))" | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -NotLike "*CEIP*" | Select-Object DisplayName, StartName, State, StartMode       
    Write-Output $SSRS       

    $SSISinstances = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $instance.Hostname | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -Like "SQL Server Integration Services*" | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -NotLike "*CEIP*" | Select-Object DisplayName, PathName, StartName, State, StartMode       

        foreach($SSIS in $SSISinstances)       
            $ConfigXMLPath = ($SSIS.PathName.Substring(0,$SSIS.PathName.IndexOf('MsDtsSrvr.exe')) + 'MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml') -replace '"', ''       

            $ConfigXMLPath = "\\$($instance.Hostname)\" + $SSIS.PathName.Substring(1,1) + '$\' + $ConfigXMLPath.Substring(3)       

            [xml]$ConfigXML = Get-Content -Path $ConfigXMLPath              

            if ($ConfigXML.DtsServiceConfiguration.TopLevelFolders.Folder.ServerName -like "*$($instance.InstanceName)*")       
                Write-Output ($SSIS | Select-Object DisplayName, StartName, State, StartMode)       
            elseif (($ConfigXML.DtsServiceConfiguration.TopLevelFolders.Folder.ServerName -EQ ".") -and ($instance.InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER'))       
                Write-Output ($SSIS | Select-Object DisplayName, StartName, State, StartMode)       
        Write-Output "SSIS Error: " + $error[0]       

Changing SQL Server Login Auditing setting with T-SQL/Powershell

The login auditing setting on a SQL Server instance controls the auditing of logins – either all, successful only, failed only or none. It’s set via SSMS on the Server properties dialog;

and is responsible for these types of message in the log;

You might want to change this for several reasons – perhaps you have strict auditing requirements so want everything logged, or perhaps you only care about failures – especially if you have a noisy application that floods the log with successful logins.

It’s straightforward enough to change in SSMS – though note that a service restart is required for changes to take effect – but what if you want to change this setting on a bunch of servers? Fortunately, it can be programmatically read/changed using the (undocumented) xp_instance_regread and xp_instance_regwrite extended stored procedures, reading from/writing to the Windows registry value AuditLevel (specifically, the value in the correct key for the instance the proc is executed from) – that the setting in SSMS actually represents;

Illustration purposes only – we don’t need to go into the Registry manually for this.

This key maps to the following values;

  • 0 – None
  • 1 – Successful logins only
  • 2 – Failed logins only
  • 3 – All logins only

To retrieve the value, we can use xp_instance_regread ;

EXEC xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'AuditLevel', @result OUTPUT
SELECT @result AS 'AuditLevel'

To set it, we use xp_instance_regwrite. An example of setting it to 2 (Failed logins only);

EXEC xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'AuditLevel', REG_DWORD, 2

So by calling this procedure we can script out a read/change to the setting to multiple instances at once using Powershell. (Yep, we could directly modify the registry with Powershell and skip the call, but doing it this way benefits from the wrapping of the registry modification in the SQL extended proc, and thus the correct key for the instance being automatically used thanks to the ‘instance’ versions of the reg read/write procs vs the standard xp_regread/regwrite)

Retrieving the key is a straightforward iteration over instances. In this example I’ve populated an $instances variable with an array of instance names, but this can be substituted with reading from a text file or database;

$regread = "DECLARE @result INT
            EXEC xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'AuditLevel', @result OUTPUT
            SELECT @result AS 'AuditLevel'"

$instances = @('SQL1', 'SQL2', 'SQL3')

foreach($instance in $instances)
        $flag = 99
        $flag = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $instance -Query $regread -ConnectionTimeout 3 -QueryTimeout 3 -ErrorAction Stop).AuditLevel
        Write-Host "$($instance): $($flag)"
         Write-Host "$($instance): Error"
         Write-Host $error[0]

Setting the key is also a straightforward iteration. In this example I’m also setting the value to ‘2’ (Failed logins only);

$regwrite = "EXEC xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 
                N'AuditLevel', REG_DWORD, 2"

$instances = @('SQL1', 'SQL2', 'SQL3')

foreach($instance in $instances)
        Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $instance -Query $regwrite -ConnectionTimeout 3 -QueryTimeout 3 -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Host "$($instance.ConnectionString): Success"
        Write-Host "$($instance): Error"
        Write-Host $error[0]

After modification, the first script can be re-ran to confirm the modifications – and don’t forget a service restart is required to kick the setting into action.

Disclaimer – the registry-editing procedures used here are undocumented, and editing the registry is generally best avoided – any such code should be tested thoroughly before use in production.

Automating SSISDB Migration 4/4 – Copying Object Parameter Changes with Powershell

Last in this four-part series on automating a non-wizard SSIS migration (Part one, two and three).

To recap, previous scripts covered exporting both MSDB and SSISDB projects and then – after manual upgrade/deployment- copying environments and their references. The final piece of the puzzle is to copy object parameter values that have been manually overriden – where a value is shown in bold in SSMS after clicking Configure on a project/package and the ‘Edit Value’ has some manually-set value;

I wrote a function Copy-SSISObjectParameters to do this. It runs at Project level, so takes a Project name along with source/target servers and Folder name as parameters. As in the last post’s script for copying environments, I’m using the inbuilt SSISDB procedure [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] to wrap the process.

Because of the way Powershell handles passing boolean values, I had to do some plumbing involving creating and passing a BIT variable in the SQL batch (the proc will accept a numeric 1 or 0 but will essentially corrupt the parameter making it uneditable in the GUI), otherwise it’s quite straightforward, and works for both Project and Package level ‘overrides’. The -WhatIf switch outputs the SQL statements it would normally run without the switch.

Example – Copy-SSISObjectParameters -SourceServer SQLSSIS2014 -TargetServer SQLSSIS2017 -FolderName DailyETL -ProjectName LoadDailySales

Unfortunately the Code Syntax Block plugin isn’t displaying the full code nicely below and it would be an awful lot of manual editing to fix, especially inappropriate for a blog post series on automation, but it’s working as normal on github – Copy-SSISObjectParameters

And that’s probably it for my Powershell-SSIS repo for now, pending further migration work that might need something adding, and pending the fate of SSIS in the face of ADF, for that matter!

function Copy-SSISObjectParameters
     [Parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true)][string]$SourceServer,
     [Parameter(position=1, mandatory=$true)][string]$TargetServer,
     [Parameter(position=2, mandatory=$true)][string]$FolderName,
     [Parameter(position=3, mandatory=$true)][string]$ProjectName,
     [Parameter(position=4, mandatory=$false)][switch]$WhatIf
 Copies object parameter overrides from a SSIS project on a source instance to a target instance.
 Copies object parameter overrides - that is, 'Edited' values on Configuration dialog - from a SSIS project 
 on a source instance to a target instance. This includes both project and package-level overrides,
 but does not include environment references, which are copied as part of the Copy-SSISEnvironments function.
 .PARAMETER SourceServer
 Specifies the source SQL instance name
 .PARAMETER TargetServer
 Specifies the target SQL instance name
 .PARAMETER FolderName
 Specifies the SSISDB folder the project is in. Case sensitive.
 .PARAMETER ProjectName
 Specifies the SSIS project (including packages) to copy the object parameter overrides from and to. Case sensitive.
 Outputs generated SQL statements only - does not execute them or make any other changes.
 No direct outputs from function - updates target server SSISDB object parameters
 PS> Copy-SSISObjectParameters -SourceServer SQLSSIS2014 -TargetServer SQLSSIS2017 -FolderName DailyETL -ProjectName LoadDailySales
 Sets project/package parameter overrides in SSIS project DailyETL/LoadDailySales on server SQLSSIS2017 to the same as the project on SQLSSIS2014
 Import-Module SqlServer
 Check that folders and projects exist on both servers
 $checkexistsquery = "SELECT 1 FROM [catalog].[folders] f
                             INNER JOIN [catalog].[projects] p
                                 ON f.folder_id = p.folder_id
                             WHERE f.[name] = '$($FolderName)'
                                 AND p.[name] = '$($ProjectName)'"
     $check = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SourceServer -Database SSISDB -Query $checkexistsquery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop
     Write-Output "Error connecting to source server."
     Write-Output $error[0]
     Write-Output "Error: Folder or project doesn't exist on source server."
     $check = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetServer -Database SSISDB -Query $checkexistsquery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop
     Write-Output "Error connecting to target server."
     Write-Output $error[0]
     Write-Output "Error: Folder or project doesn't exist on target server."
 Get manually overridden parameter values (value_type V)
 $getoverridevaluesquery = "SELECT op.object_type, op.object_name, op.parameter_name, op.data_type, op.default_value
                             FROM [catalog].[object_parameters] op
                             INNER JOIN [catalog].[projects] p
                                 ON op.project_id = p.project_id
                             INNER JOIN [catalog].[folders] f
                                 ON p.folder_id = f.folder_id
                             WHERE f.[name] = '$($FolderName)'
                             AND p.[name] = '$($ProjectName)'
                             AND op.value_type = 'V'
                             AND op.value_set = 1"
 $overridevalues = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SourceServer -Database SSISDB -Query $getoverridevaluesquery -ConnectionTimeout 3 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop
 foreach($overridevalue in $overridevalues)
     if($overridevalue.data_type -eq 'String')
         if($overridevalue.object_type -eq 20) # Project parameter
             $updateparameterquery = "EXEC [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]
                                                                         @object_type = $($overridevalue.object_type),
                                                                         @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
                                                                         @project_name = '$($ProjectName)',
                                                                         @parameter_name = '$($overridevalue.parameter_name)',
                                                                         @parameter_value = N'$($overridevalue.default_value)',
                                                                         @value_type = 'V'"
         elseif($overridevalue.object_type -eq 30) # Package parameter
             $updateparameterquery = "EXEC [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]
                                                                         @object_type = $($overridevalue.object_type),
                                                                         @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
                                                                         @project_name = '$($ProjectName)',
                                                                         @parameter_name = '$($overridevalue.parameter_name)',
                                                                         @parameter_value = N'$($overridevalue.default_value)',
                                                                         @object_name = '$($overridevalue.object_name)',
                                                                         @value_type = 'V'"
     elseif($overridevalue.data_type -eq 'Boolean')
         if($overridevalue.default_value -eq 'True')
             $bool_value = 1
             $bool_value = 0
     if($overridevalue.object_type -eq 20) # Project parameter     {         $updateparameterquery = "DECLARE @var BIT;                                  SET @var = $($bool_value);                                  EXEC [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]                                                                     @object_type = $($overridevalue.object_type),                                                                     @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',                                                                     @project_name = '$($ProjectName)',                                                                     @parameter_name = '$($overridevalue.parameter_name)',                                                                     @parameter_value = @var,                                                                     @value_type = 'V'"     }     elseif($overridevalue.object_type -eq 30) # Package parameter     {         $updateparameterquery = "DECLARE @var BIT;                                  SET @var = $($bool_value);                                  EXEC [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]                                                                     @object_type = $($overridevalue.object_type),                                                                     @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',                                                                     @project_name = '$($ProjectName)',                                                                     @parameter_name = '$($overridevalue.parameter_name)',                                                                     @parameter_value = @var,                                                                     @object_name = '$($overridevalue.object_name)',                                                                     @value_type = 'V'"     } } else # Integer or other number {     if($overridevalue.object_type -eq 20) # Project parameter     {         $updateparameterquery = "EXEC [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]                                                                     @object_type = $($overridevalue.object_type),                                                                     @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',                                                                     @project_name = '$($ProjectName)',                                                                     @parameter_name = '$($overridevalue.parameter_name)',                                                                     @parameter_value = $($overridevalue.default_value),                                                                     @value_type = 'V'"     }     elseif($overridevalue.object_type -eq 30) # Package parameter     {         $updateparameterquery = "EXEC [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]                                                                     @object_type = $($overridevalue.object_type),                                                                     @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',                                                                     @project_name = '$($ProjectName)',                                                                     @parameter_name = '$($overridevalue.parameter_name)',                                                                     @parameter_value = $($overridevalue.default_value),                                                                     @object_name = '$($overridevalue.object_name)',                                                                     @value_type = 'V'"      } } if($WhatIf) {     $updateparameterquery } else {     try     {         Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetServer -Database SSISDB -Query $updateparameterquery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop         Write-Output "Updated parameter $($overridevalue.parameter_name)"     }     catch     {         Write-Output "Error updating parameter $($overridevalue.parameter_name)"         Write-Output $updateparameterquery         Write-Output $error[0]     } }

Automating SSISDB Migration 3/4 – Copying SSIS Environments with Powershell

Part 3 of a 4-part series on automating an SSISDB migration without using the SSISDB Upgrade Wizard. Parts one and two covered exporting MSDB and SSISDB projects, after which upgrading then deploying from Visual Studio is neccessary. This post assumes this is done and the next task is to copy the environments over, as they exist outside of SSIS projects and are thus not carried with them.

To automate this we have to do a few different things;

  • Copy the environments
  • Copy environment variables
  • Copy environment references (between environment to project)
  • Copy environment-object parameter links

I created the Copy-SSISEnvironments function shown below to perform these steps. It works at folder level, taking a source/target server and foldername. Though it’s possible to directly update the internal schema tables with the required values, I’m using the built-in catalog stored procedures which wrap and sanity check the required code for safety, namely;

  • [catalog].[create_environment]
  • [catalog].[create_environment_variable]
  • [catalog].[create_environment_reference]
  • [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]

The function supports ‘relative’ references (that is projects referencing an Environment in the same Folder), string, boolean and numeric datatypes, de and re-encrypting encrypted strings, and both project and package-level object references. It doesn not support copying ‘absolute’ references (projects referencing an Environment in a different folder) or decrypting non-string datatypes as I had no need for that in our environment. The -WhatIf switch will simply output the SQL statements it would otherwise execute, and is recommended to run before use to check the output.

Example – Copy-SSISEnvironments -SourceServer SQLSSIS2014 -TargetServer SQLSSIS2017 -FolderName MySSISFolder

Github link to the Powershell-SSIS repo I’ve added this to.

function Copy-SSISEnvironments
    [Parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true)][string]$SourceServer,
    [Parameter(position=1, mandatory=$true)][string]$TargetServer,
    [Parameter(position=2, mandatory=$true)][string]$FolderName,
    [Parameter(position=3, mandatory=$false)][switch]$WhatIf

Copies environments and references from one SSISDB folder to the same folder on another server

Copies environments - including variables, project references and object-variable links - from a source SSISDB folder to the same folder on a target server.
Works with string, numeric, boolean and encrypted string variables and relative project references.
Does not copy absolute references.

.PARAMETER SourceServer
Specifies the source SQL instance name

.PARAMETER TargetServer
Specifies the target SQL instance name

Specifies the SSISDB folder to copy the environment from and to. Case sensitive.

Outputs generated SQL statements only - does not execute them or make any other changes.

No direct outputs from function - updates target server SSISDB folder

PS> Copy-SSISEnvironments -SourceServer SQLSSIS2014 -TargetServer SQLSSIS2017 -FolderName DailyETL

Copies environment data from SSISDB folder 'DailyETL' on server SQLSSIS2014 to server SQLSSIS2017

Import-Module SqlServer

### Check that folder exists on both servers
$checkexistsquery = "SELECT 1 FROM [catalog].[folders] f
                     WHERE f.[name] = '$($FolderName)'"

    $check = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SourceServer -Database SSISDB -Query $checkexistsquery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Output "Error connecting to source server."
    Write-Output $error[0]

    Write-Output "Error: Folder $($FolderName) doesn't exist on source server."

    $check = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetServer -Database SSISDB -Query $checkexistsquery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Output "Error connecting to target server."
    Write-Output $error[0]

    Write-Output "Error: Folder $($FolderName) doesn't exist on target server."

$source_folder_id = 0
$target_folder_id = 0

$GetFolderIDQuery = "SELECT folder_id
                    FROM [catalog].folders
                    WHERE [name] = '$($FolderName)'"

# Get folder_id of source and target folders
$source_folder_id = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SourceServer -Database SSISDB -Query $GetFolderIDQuery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop).folder_id
$target_folder_id = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetServer -Database SSISDB -Query $GetFolderIDQuery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop).folder_id

$GetEnvironmentQuery = "SELECT environment_id, [name], [description]
                            FROM [catalog].environments
                            WHERE folder_id = '$($source_folder_id)'"

# Get environments from the source folder
$envs = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SourceServer -Database SSISDB -Query $GetEnvironmentQuery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop)

# Get environment references 
$GetEnvironmentRefsQuery = "SELECT p.project_id, p.[name] AS 'ProjectName', er.reference_type, er.environment_name
                            FROM [catalog].projects p
                            INNER JOIN [catalog].environment_references er
	                            ON p.project_id = er.project_id
                            WHERE p.folder_id = $($source_folder_id)"

    $env_refs = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SourceServer -Database SSISDB -Query $GetEnvironmentRefsQuery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Output "Error retrieving environment references"
    Write-Output $error[0]

foreach($env in $envs)
    # Create environment on target server
    $CreateNewEnvironmentQuery = "EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment] @folder_name = '$($FolderName)', @environment_name = '$($', @environment_description = '$($env.description)'"

        Write-Output $CreateNewEnvironmentQuery
            Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetServer -Database SSISDB -Query $CreateNewEnvironmentQuery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Output "Created environment $($"
            Write-Output "Error creating environment"
            Write-Output $CreateNewEnvironmentQuery
            Write-Output $error[0]


    # Get environment variables
    $GetEnvironmentVarsQuery = "SELECT variable_id, [name], sensitive, [type], [description], [value]
                                FROM [catalog].environment_variables
                                WHERE environment_id = $($env.environment_id)"

    $env_vars = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SourceServer -Database SSISDB -Query $GetEnvironmentVarsQuery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop)

    # Loop over environment variables
    foreach($env_var in $env_vars)
        if($env_var.type -eq 'String')
            # If variable is sensitive string, pull the encrypted value from [internal] table and decrypt it
            if($env_var.sensitive -eq 1)
                $getencryptedvaluequery = "SELECT [internal].[get_value_by_data_type](DECRYPTBYKEYAUTOCERT(CERT_ID(N'MS_Cert_Env_' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(20), [environment_id])), NULL, [sensitive_value]), [type]) AS DecryptedValue
                                            FROM [SSISDB].[internal].[environment_variables]
                                            WHERE variable_id = $($env_var.variable_id)"

                    $decryptedvalue = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SourceServer -Database SSISDB -Query $getencryptedvaluequery -ConnectionTimeout 3 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop).DecryptedValue

                    $CreateEnvironmentVarQuery = "EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @environment_name = '$($',
	                                                                                                    @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
	                                                                                                    @variable_name = '$($',
	                                                                                                    @Sensitive = 1,
	                                                                                                    @data_type = '$($env_var.type)',
	                                                                                                    @description = '$($env_var.description)',
	                                                                                                    @value = N'$($decryptedvalue)'"
                    Write-Output "Failed to retrieve encrypted variable value"
                    Write-Output $error[0]

                $CreateEnvironmentVarQuery = "EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @environment_name = '$($',
	                                                                                                @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
	                                                                                                @variable_name = '$($',
	                                                                                                @Sensitive = 0,
	                                                                                                @data_type = '$($env_var.type)',
	                                                                                                @description = '$($env_var.description)',
	                                                                                                @value = N'$($env_var.value)'"
        elseif($env_var.type -eq 'Boolean')
            if($env_var.value -eq 'True')
                $bool_value = 1
                $bool_value = 0

            $CreateEnvironmentVarQuery = "EXEC SSISDB.[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @environment_name = '$($',
	                                                                                            @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
	                                                                                            @variable_name = '$($',
	                                                                                            @Sensitive = $([int]$env_var.sensitive),
	                                                                                            @data_type = '$($env_var.type)',
	                                                                                            @description = '$($env_var.description)',
	                                                                                            @value = $($bool_value)"

            $CreateEnvironmentVarQuery = "EXEC SSISDB.[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @environment_name = '$($',
	                                                                                            @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
	                                                                                            @variable_name = '$($',
	                                                                                            @Sensitive = $([int]$env_var.sensitive),
	                                                                                            @data_type = '$($env_var.type)',
	                                                                                            @description = '$($env_var.description)',
	                                                                                            @value = $($env_var.value)"

            Write-Output $CreateEnvironmentVarQuery
                Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetServer -Database SSISDB -Query $CreateEnvironmentVarQuery -QueryTimeout 5 -ConnectionTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Output "Created variable $($"
                Write-Output "Error creating environment variable."
                Write-Output $CreateEnvironmentVarQuery
                Write-Output $error[0]

    # Check if a reference exists for this environment, then for projects in target folder
    foreach($env_ref in $env_refs)
        if($env_ref.reference_type -eq 'A')
            Write-Warning "Warning - Absolute reference detected. Add manually. Project name $($env_ref.ProjectName)"
        elseif($env_ref.environment_name -eq $
            $CheckProjectExistsQuery = "SELECT 1 AS 'Result' WHERE EXISTS (SELECT [name]
                                                            FROM [catalog].projects
                                                            WHERE folder_id = $($target_folder_id)
                                                            AND name = '$($env_ref.ProjectName)')"

            #### Add reference for $env_ref.ProjectName

                $exists = (Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance $TargetServer -Database SSISDB -Query $CheckProjectExistsQuery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop).Result

                if($exists -eq 1)
                    # Add environment reference for this project
                    $CreateEnvironmentRefQuery = "EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_reference] @environment_name = '$($',
														    @project_name = '$($env_ref.ProjectName)',
														    @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
														    @reference_type = R,
                                                            @reference_id = NULL"
                        Write-Output $CreateEnvironmentRefQuery
                            Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetServer -Database SSISDB -Query $CreateEnvironmentRefQuery -ConnectionTimeout 5 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop
                            Write-Output "Created reference between $($env_ref.ProjectName) and $($"

                            #### Set object parameters to use environment variables where linked

                            $getobjectparamsquery = "SELECT object_type, [object_name], parameter_name, referenced_variable_name
                                        FROM catalog.object_parameters
                                        WHERE project_id = $($env_ref.project_id)
                                        AND value_type = 'R'"

                            $object_params = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SourceServer -Database SSISDB -Query $getobjectparamsquery -ConnectionTimeout 3 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop

                            foreach($object_param in $object_params)
                                if($object_param.object_type -eq 20) # Project parameter
                                    $setobjectparamquery = "EXEC [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]
                                                                    @object_type = $($object_param.object_type),
                                                                    @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
                                                                    @project_name = '$($env_ref.ProjectName)',
                                                                    @parameter_name = '$($object_param.parameter_name)',
                                                                    @parameter_value = '$($object_param.referenced_variable_name)',
                                                                    @value_type = 'R'"    
                                elseif($object_param.object_type -eq 30) # Package parameter
                                    $setobjectparamquery = "EXEC [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]
                                            @object_type = $($object_param.object_type),
                                            @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
                                            @project_name = '$($env_ref.ProjectName)',
                                            @parameter_name = '$($object_param.parameter_name)',
                                            @parameter_value = '$($object_param.referenced_variable_name)',
                                            @object_name = '$($object_param.object_name)',
                                            @value_type = 'R'"  

                                    Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetServer -Database SSISDB -Query $setobjectparamquery -ConnectionTimeout 3 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop
                                    Write-Output "Linked parameter $($object_param.parameter_name) to env var $($object_param.referenced_variable_name)"
                                    Write-Output "Error linking parameter."
                                    Write-Output $error[0]


                            Write-Output "Error creating environment reference."
                            Write-Output $error[0]
                Write-Output $CheckProjectExistsQuery
                Write-Output $error[0]

                #### Set object parameters to use environment variables where linked

                $getobjectparamsquery = "SELECT object_type, [object_name], parameter_name, referenced_variable_name
                                        FROM catalog.object_parameters
                                        WHERE project_id = $($env_ref.project_id)
                                        AND value_type = 'R'"

                $object_params = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SourceServer -Database SSISDB -Query $getobjectparamsquery -ConnectionTimeout 3 -QueryTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop

                foreach($object_param in $object_params)
                    if($object_param.object_type -eq 20)
                        $setobjectparamquery = "EXEC [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]
                                                        @object_type = $($object_param.object_type),
                                                        @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
                                                        @project_name = '$($env_ref.ProjectName)',
                                                        @parameter_name = '$($object_param.parameter_name)',
                                                        @parameter_value = '$($object_param.referenced_variable_name)',
                                                        @value_type = 'R'"    
                    elseif($object_param.object_type -eq 30)
                        $setobjectparamquery = "EXEC [catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]
                                @object_type = $($object_param.object_type),
                                @folder_name = '$($FolderName)',
                                @project_name = '$($env_ref.ProjectName)',
                                @parameter_name = '$($object_param.parameter_name)',
                                @parameter_value = '$($object_param.referenced_variable_name)',
                                @object_name = '$($object_param.object_name)',
                                @value_type = 'R'"  




